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Exploring the principles behind Project 13

Adam Kirkup

What are the Project 13 principles and how can they be applied?

In the two years since the publication of the original report in 2016, Project 13 developed from an initiative to a movement. The direction advocated by Project 13 in Transactions to Enterprises clearly resonates across a broad swathe of our industry.

This has led many organisations to test their capability and strategy against the initiative. The formal early adopters have committed to use the Project 13 approach to deliver all or part of their programmes, including Sydney Water as the first international adopter.

Then there are those who have used the maturity matrix to test their current approach, with the resulting gap analysis used to inform capability development plans.

The five pillars of Project 13, identified as features in the research phase and that operated as workstreams in the development phase, underpin the Project 13 principles:


Project 13 is a new approach to delivering infrastructure – it's not a form of contract or a detailed tick list. The pillars and principles are clear but their application will clearly vary in line with the required outcomes, organisations and relative starting points.

To develop ever-increasing levels of specific detail would restrict the circumstances under which the principles could be adopted and make the framework relevant to fewer organisations.

Moving to this new approach can be managed effectively by using the pillars and principles as the framework for change, provided this doesn't become a selection of those principles that feel achievable and avoidance of those that look more challenging. The principles describe an overall approach and a shift and aren't intended to be a pick list.

This webinar adds more depth for those who want to get a better understanding of the Project 13 principles.



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